Career Coaching

In the past I’ve provided tailored mentoring for anyone either trying to get into or transition to cybersecurity, or those already doing security but looking for coaching or to level up. So for the near to medium term I’ll be running limited, 30-minute mentoring calls.

The hope is that anyone needing assistance with their resume or interview skills can book some time in my calendar for a 1:1 to discuss specific concerns or pain points they’re experiencing in their job search, or otherwise in their career.

Use the Calendly form below to find and schedule some time in my calendar over the coming month.

NB: Before booking time, please be sure to review the following blog posts related to cybersecurity resumes and interviews, and getting certified:

PS: I’d like to provide assistance for free (or as near to it as possible). However, if you find our time together beneficial, and can afford what amounts to a tip, then please, throw a little something into my home lab fund.

PPS: Resume writing/review and interview skills workshops are not what I do day-to-day. I have experience reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates for various levels of cybersecurity roles (mostly blue team/DFIR). That said, I will always recommend that you tailor your resume to the specific job posting you’re interested in, and seek the assistance of a professional resume writer/reviewer at least every couple of years to keep your resume up to date and in line with current formatting standards.